Hold on to your dreams loosely

Dimitra Kassari
1 min readJun 11, 2021

15 years ago I read about this practice of writing all your dreams and goals in little pieces of paper and putting them into a “God Jar”. That means that you allow god or the universe to take over and help you achieve them. While cleaning up my attic today I found my old God Jar and I read all my goals and wishes from 15 years ago. It was quite amusing to read all those wishes and yearnings I had back then. Most of them never came true, thankfully! What a relief!

I always hated hustle culture and the “dream big” line of bullshit everyone is selling these days. The only thing that’s ever worked for me is to go slow, do what feels right to me in the moment, listen to the voice that says “not yet” instead of labeling it procrastination. 9 out of 10 times it is wisdom, intuition, knowing something is not right for me before my conscious mind figures it out.



Dimitra Kassari

Here to explore, discover, learn & educate * Sustainability, Systems Theory, Social Justice, Doughnut Economics, Communication, Growth Mindset